If you find yourself misplacing your keys or glasses . . . forgetting someone’s name . . . or seeking a word that’s on “the tip of your tongue” . . .

You might wonder (and rightly so) if you could be on a downward spiral toward Alzheimer’s, particularly if you’re over 40.

These memory slips result from wear and tear on your brain due to inflammation and other chemical alterations. And it’s true: Subtle brain changes associated with mental decline can be observed by age 40.

The good news is that while your brain does gradually age, you possess the ability to slow, stop, and even reverse the brain aging process.

Protect Your Brain From Memory Loss and
Other Age-Related Disorders

Gary Small, M.D., is a noted brain expert, and the author of the ultimate tools to keep your brain sharp, young, and healthy. He delivers a one-two knockout punch to mental decline with his two best-selling books Brain Games to Exercise Your Mind and 2 Weeks to a Younger Brain.

Most people know that if they engage in regular exercise, their muscles will grow and get stronger.

If they commit to an aerobic conditioning routine, their heart health will improve, and they will live longer.

But many people don’t realize that exercising their minds actually builds brain muscle and helps protect against the decline that often comes with aging.

In Brain Games to Exercise Your Mind, A $19.95 value, Dr. Small provides over 90 puzzles, logic riddles, and brain teasers to exercise your mind and have fun while staying sharp.

And in 2 Weeks to a Younger Brain, A $19.95 value, Dr. Small will prove to you that it only takes 14 days to create a younger, better brain.

With his help, you’ll see how easy it is to boost your cognitive abilities and prevent or reverse brain aging.

With Dr. Small’s incredible combination of books, you’ll discover easy solutions for clear thinking, a stable mood, focused attention, and better problem-solving abilities.

  • How those under chronic stress increase their risk for developing Alzheimer’s threefold (find simple tools to manage your stress level) . . .
  • The little-known connection between sex and growing new memory cells in the brain . . .
  • Two simple techniques to help you remember names, faces, and where you put things such as your glasses or keys . . .
  • Easy mental workouts for brain fitness and raising your IQ . . .
  • How listening to music can improve your mental abilities . . .
  • The most common cause of forgetting things (it’s not what you think) . . .
  • What science says about multitasking and brain health (particularly important if you use your computer or other electronic devices throughout the day) . . .
  • How coffee and alcohol can lower your risk for Alzheimer’s (see how much you should drink) . . .
  • How to choose the right friends and social connections that will actually help you live longer . . .
  • Medications you should know about that help or hurt your brain . . .
  • Brain-healthy diet and supplement tips (including simple menu options) . . .
  • And much, much more . . .

Now, you will receive a FREE copy of Brain Games to Exercise Your Mind and 2 Weeks to a Younger Brain when you try an introductory subscription to The Mind Health Report for 6-months at a discounted rate of $9.95.

With The Mind Health Report, you’ll trek deeper into the inner workings of your brain than ever before.

From more happiness and contentment in your relationships, to greater satisfaction in your work, better overall health, and a happier outlook on life in general . . .

You’ll be privy to the latest advancements in brain research from the highest pinnacles of neuroscience and psychiatry.

And not only will you read about breakthrough techniques for revitalizing and rejuvenating your brain health, you’ll also get access to actual case studies straight from our vast collection.

Each month, you’ll find:

Feature Articles. This is where top experts will take you by the hand and give you practical techniques to help you improve and expand your brain function.

Questions and Answers. Because this newsletter is for you, leading physicians will answer questions you have about your own brain health, what you’ve read about in the news relating to mind health topics, or other medical issues that concern you.

Insights. Here, new findings in research help you boost your own brainpower, and ultimately your overall health. You’ll find tips, tricks, and techniques to improve your brain capabilities simply and easily.

We’ve made sure The Mind Health Report is absolutely packed full of brain-enhancing information and strategies from renowned doctors and researchers to help you enjoy the happy, healthy, and contented life you deserve — regardless of your age.

PLUS, We Will Include THREE Exclusive
Special Reports on Brain Health

The Best Ways to Protect Your Aging Brain
($14.95 Value)

According to Harvard Health Publishing, one in four Americans over age 50 is taking a brain health supplement. Not surprisingly, you can’t watch TV for very long without seeing an advertisement for these products.

This special report looks at some supplements geared toward maintaining brain health, and explains the science behind them.

It will also give you some advice about how diet and lifestyle changes can help maintain your brain health as you age.

How Does Your Memory Really Work?
($14.95 Value)

Put simply, memory is the ability of your brain to learn, store, and retrieve information. The information could include anything you have learned, seen, heard, or felt, as well as all of your other experiences.

But of course, nobody can remember everything. And what you do remember is a big part of who you are, so it’s no wonder memory has been studied by philosophers for thousands of years. These days, memory continues to be studied by researchers known as cognitive psychologists and neurobiologists.

This special report will explain just what memory is, as well as what it is not, including the types of memory and how your brain stores information. It will also tell you how to understand your memories and the memories of others, and why memories change over time, and can even become unreliable.

Think Faster, Think Smarter: How to Speed Up
Your Mental Performance ($14.95 Value)

Who doesn’t want to think faster? Thinking faster enables you to react more effectively to everyday situations. It improves your ability to access information you already know, such as remembering someone’s name or face, and allows you to absorb and process new information more effectively.

Quick thinking makes it easier to switch from one task to another, to multi-task with less stress, and even to solve problems in more creative, effective ways.

People who can think faster are, in practical terms, smarter — but they weren’t necessarily born that way. Genes play an important part, but like athletic ability, genetic gifts aren’t exceptionally valuable unless they are trained to perform at peak levels.

The good news is that, regardless of genetic endowment or age, it is possible to rev up your mental speedometer. To find out how, The Mind Health Report spoke to Eric Braverman, M.D., an integrative physician and founder of PATH Medical in New York, who has developed a program specifically designed to speed up the thinking process.

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With This Special Offer!


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